I made something interesting today for "lunch"! Mangos, cherries, and blueberries. Yum!
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Friday, December 27, 2013
Day 8 - Ugh
I feel so miserable today. I think the healing crisis has already begun. First I didn't want to get out of bed. Then I didn't want to take another sip of juice. And now I don't want to leave the house to start my errands. Plus there's a wedding party tonight that I'd like to attend but...but it's gonna be a long hard night. I hope I don't have to explain to anyone why I'm not eating at the dinner table.
I'm not losing weight as fast as I thought with this. I think I've reached the emotional weight point. The next 5 kgs will be the toughest battle for me because I haven't conquered them in 10 years! Yes I said 10! So I when I do...it'll be monumental! Stupendous! In a word...life changing.
Oh by the way...I'm still curled up like a cat on the couch.
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Day 7 - My Liver Re-generates!
My friends had a lovely gathering for dinner tonight. I however enjoyed my beet, carrot and apple concoction. All for the sake of detoxing my liver. And let me tell you something; it worked!! A few weeks ago I was walking around, utterly oblivious to my fatty liver, a literal fois gras! So after a weeks worth of detox I'm finally seeing some serious results!
Oddly enough what I find relaxes me during this cleanse is baking. I bake for therapy. I bake to make others happy. I bake to get it out of my system. And you know what; I get a little power trip when I resist what I make. 'Cause it's never happened before. I'm getting used to this new me...
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Day 5 - Boxing Day already?
So I started off today by going to a boxing class! Yeah I know, I don't know what I was thinking either. I thought I'd be winded and starving after the class. But I wasn't. In fact I felt fine. More than fine! I racked up 1700+ nike fuel points in that class alone!
So I went home and made my cousin and I some mean green juice!
For lunch I had a more extravagant juice. Fresh berries and pineapple. I say extravagant because this was the most costly set of ingredients to make a juice yet! But like all fine things in life, it was far more tasty and superior to the pervious juices I had. I think I'll make it a weekly treat.
Dinner same: green juice but instead of apples I had pineapples. How interesting is my life...how's yours?
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Day 4 - Meeting Roma + Frozen
In the evening I had a green juice at the cinema. We went to watch the latest Disney movie Frozen. Eh it was alright, but for the first time since forever......I felt good not having a fatty snack at the theater. Lol.
Monday, December 23, 2013
Day 3 - Noticing a Change
Now I know it's only Day 3 but I've noticed some amazing changes already. The first of which being my energy levels. It's always at a constant high. Never dipping down too low or soaring up too high. It's amazing what happens to your body when you give it a break from caffeine and simple carbs!
The second change I've noticed is my skin. It's already starting to glow! I mean guys...I could get used to this! My hair is softer and my nails are stronger as they grow.
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Day 2 - I'm Still Here...
...and I'm happy to report I cruised by Day 2. It was over before I knew it. I purely had Green Juice today. Breakfast was my regular mix; a variation on Joe's "Mean Green" juice
2-3 Stalks of Celery
2 Cucumbers
1 Apple
Bunch of Kale
Bunch of Spinach
Ginger (occasionally)
For Lunch and Dinner I had a very exotic treat. I used a whole fresh organic pineapple, mixed it with some Kale, Cucumber, and Celery. I have to say, it was really really good.
A dear friend came over for a catch up session and I had her try it. She said it wasn't bad at all, and that she could see herself drink it too! I made her some Brussels Sprouts with Balsamic Vinegar, hoping to recreate Katsuya's marvelous one. Instead I just used the Barefoot Contessa recipe; sans pancetta of course!
I ended the night watching a few back to back episodes of Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives. I don't know why either. But this was the first time that I didn't salivate over or crave anything that I saw on the screen. WIN. ^_^
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Day 1 - And the Juicing begins!
Yes you read the title right. I am juicing. For 21 days straight. God help me.
Now before you crucify me on making this decision, hear me out. I've been racking up the calories that I've consumed from the junk I put in my body and the hours I've spent on the couch for way too long. Hence my obtuse physique. I'm not proud of it, not proud of it AT ALL. And if this blog is any indication of anything, its my love of food. Food and I have been going steady for many years. It's my longest relationship with anything other than my mom. Food is there when I'm happy (cakes, burgers, milkshakes), food is there when I'm sad (cookies, doughnuts, chips, coke); it's a reliable source of comfort. One that I and millions of others have turned to, to soothe our aching souls. However I confess, I've abused the comfort that food gives. To the point where it has harmed my body. Nothing serious you guys, but let's face it, I can't shop at the Gap; and that's harm enough. Blue jeans! All I want is blue jeans ya'll! That, and a healthy body and a happy stress free mind.
So this is my experiment. I am going on a juice fast for 21 days. That's 3 weeks. Oh Lord. *sigh*
Disclaimer: I have to state that this juice fast didn't come out of nowhere and I'm being supervised while doing it. For the past two weeks I've had 2 liquid meals (ie; green juice in the morning and soup in the evening) and one solid meal for lunch, (grilled chicken, white fish, or raw salmon). So my body is ready to take on this challenge. I'm saying this for those of you out there who might want to attempt to do this. You have to prepare your body for what's to come. Otherwise it'll be really hard to go juicing for as long as I'm going to. If you plan to juice for a day or two you don't need to go through the measures I have. Oh and also; no dairy, no red meat, no sugar, no wheat, no potato, no tomato, no banana, no oranges, no tea, no Perrier. Just whatever grows on God's green Earth. Welcome to my world.
So here's to January 9! May you come swift and sure so I can once again have some chicken!
Now before you crucify me on making this decision, hear me out. I've been racking up the calories that I've consumed from the junk I put in my body and the hours I've spent on the couch for way too long. Hence my obtuse physique. I'm not proud of it, not proud of it AT ALL. And if this blog is any indication of anything, its my love of food. Food and I have been going steady for many years. It's my longest relationship with anything other than my mom. Food is there when I'm happy (cakes, burgers, milkshakes), food is there when I'm sad (cookies, doughnuts, chips, coke); it's a reliable source of comfort. One that I and millions of others have turned to, to soothe our aching souls. However I confess, I've abused the comfort that food gives. To the point where it has harmed my body. Nothing serious you guys, but let's face it, I can't shop at the Gap; and that's harm enough. Blue jeans! All I want is blue jeans ya'll! That, and a healthy body and a happy stress free mind.
So this is my experiment. I am going on a juice fast for 21 days. That's 3 weeks. Oh Lord. *sigh*
Disclaimer: I have to state that this juice fast didn't come out of nowhere and I'm being supervised while doing it. For the past two weeks I've had 2 liquid meals (ie; green juice in the morning and soup in the evening) and one solid meal for lunch, (grilled chicken, white fish, or raw salmon). So my body is ready to take on this challenge. I'm saying this for those of you out there who might want to attempt to do this. You have to prepare your body for what's to come. Otherwise it'll be really hard to go juicing for as long as I'm going to. If you plan to juice for a day or two you don't need to go through the measures I have. Oh and also; no dairy, no red meat, no sugar, no wheat, no potato, no tomato, no banana, no oranges, no tea, no Perrier. Just whatever grows on God's green Earth. Welcome to my world.
So here's to January 9! May you come swift and sure so I can once again have some chicken!
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Katsuya Dubai ~ Oh yes!
At last! My love has come along! My lonely days are over...and life is liiiiike...huh, oh ummm excuse me. Got a little carried away there!
You guysssss! This place!! Ok so I have to admit I've failed to try it in L.A. Something always came up and we didn't go. So I was super excited when it opened here in the GCC. It wasn't open in Kuwait when I visited in October. But the one in Dubai opened a little over a week ago! How convenient for me!
Since I'm eating "healthy" or "clean" I should say, I thought some raw fish wouldn't hurt my "diet".
What I want to point out about Katsuya is the highlighted menu items. Please don't waste your time. Your choice will probably be boring. Pick whatever is highlighted. Thank me later. Ok 'cause here's the deal. I ordered two items from the highlighted choices, ie; the popular dishes, and two items that weren't. Guess which ones I loved more? You get the picture. I bet you're dying to know what they are? Well I'll tell you.
DO NOT SKIP the balsamic Brussels Sprouts!!!!! If you're attempting a healthy lifestyle and you're tempted to order the rock shrimp let me tell you, you won't miss it. This starter would be the sole reason I'd come back to this place. I can not stress how goooood this tastes! It's tangy and crunchy and chewy all at once! I knew it must be good since Ina Garten makes it all the time! How fabulous is that? 'Nuff said.
Number two would be the Seared Tuna with Japanese Salsa. It's lightly seared, served with fresh tomatoes and avocado. So so delicious! The mixed green salad was good too. The Ponzu sauce elevated it, gave it some depth.
The Salmon Sashimi with caviar (イクラ) didn't translate as well on the plate. But the sheer mastery of slicing the Halibut Uzukukuri left me breathless. Damn good dish too! Fresh fish. The freshest fish that ever swam the ocean seas!
Yup you guessed it, I skipped dessert. Sorry to disappoint but you'll just have to go there and try some yourselves. Let me know which ones to try. You know for "later".
Katsuya by Starck
Dubai Mall
Level 1
Opposite Ladureé

Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Saturday, November 30, 2013
So yes I know, I've been away for too long. My only excuse is that I'm shifting my focus. Gone are the over indulgent meals of bygone vacations. Instead, I'm trying to balance healthy eating habits with an active lifestyle.
I'm not saying the search for yumminess is over. Oh no. It's been put on hold...temporarily. I will however have my slice of delicious un-nutritious-ness on a new segment I'd like to call: Cheat Meal!
For all you non-"healthy lifestyle changers" out there ('cause remember, it's not a diet), a cheat meal is that long awaited meal during the week when we pig out. Eat whatever we want. No guilt. No remorse. There is a scientific reason behind this. So don't think we're going back to our glutinous ways. Well...just until we regulate our BMI.
So from here on out it's healthy smoothie recipes, snack ideas, and the inevitable epic cheat meal.
{image: tumblr}
I'm not saying the search for yumminess is over. Oh no. It's been put on hold...temporarily. I will however have my slice of delicious un-nutritious-ness on a new segment I'd like to call: Cheat Meal!
For all you non-"healthy lifestyle changers" out there ('cause remember, it's not a diet), a cheat meal is that long awaited meal during the week when we pig out. Eat whatever we want. No guilt. No remorse. There is a scientific reason behind this. So don't think we're going back to our glutinous ways. Well...just until we regulate our BMI.
So from here on out it's healthy smoothie recipes, snack ideas, and the inevitable epic cheat meal.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Trattoria Concordia - Authentic Ligurian Cuisine
Skip now to the part where we actually found a table, sat down, and wiped our brow after an exasperating climb uphill. (No I'm kidding it wasn't that tiring.) The restaurant is located just above the car park behind the marina, and the little climb is there to weed out the lazy tourists. For this place attracts the locals. And you know how much a foodie loves discovering the more 'authentic' place to eat.
The food was great. The kind of food that makes you want to kiss your fingers. Memorable only for its simple yet robust flavor. I had the Spaghetti with garlic and olive oil and was very content. We also ordered the Veal Scaloppini with Lemon, Spaghetti alle Pesto, and the house specialty Spaghetti with Crabs. Granted there is no view of the port, this place makes up for it in friendly service, and delicious food at a very reasonable price. So go ahead. Skip the Puny, Marinaio, and Stella, and walk (up) the road less travelled. If you need more convincing, Andrea Bocelli likes to eat here. So there. :)
(I still have O Magazin on my wish list. Had I but known they close on Wednesdays...)
5 Via del Fondaco
T: 0185 269207
Monday, August 26, 2013
Le Maschou - A Rosy Affaire
Dining at Le Maschou is practically a must when you're in Cannes. Apparently I've been here before when I was a wee little child; but I obviously do not recall. Now I remember very well what awaits at Le Maschou.
It's a set menu unlike you've ever seen before! They start with a delightful cheese spread that you're supposed to spread on toast...but I could've easily spread it on anything and eaten it. So good!
Next course is a gigantor basket of vegetables that awakens the vegetarian in any carnivore. Ah but then come the grills. You have the choice of beef, lamb or chicken. Whatever you choose it'll be the most memorable spit roast meat you'll probably ever have. My beef was well seasoned and on point.
Do not skip dessert. I repeat do not skip it!! The chocolate mousse is easily the best I've had in recent memory.
Oh and for the ladies, a rose to end the meal. So if you see ladies smiling and walking down rue Saint Antoine with a rose in hand, know that they've had an excellent meal at Le Maschou.
15 petite rue Saint Antoine
Cannes, France
Monday, August 19, 2013
Huckleberry Cafe - Santa Monica's Best
Late one weekday night, sometime in June of 2012 I was watching the food network, half awake, and obviously half asleep. When suddenly something made me sit up on the couch and pay more attention to the tv screen; it was a reportage on this place. I immediately typed "huckleberry" on my iPhone and made a mental note to visit.
So if you find your self near Santa Monica, CA I strongly suggest that you give Huckleberry on 1014 Wilshire Blvd a go. Don't let the long line at their weekend brunch fool you. The line moves relatively fast and it is oh so worth the wait! For there, at the end of yonder que, lies the most delicious salted caramel bar that I've ever had (and failed to re-create.) The generous layer of smooth buttery caramel is intensified with the use of real vanilla beans; and it all sits comfortably on a bed of crumbly, buttery (yes, buttery again) shortbread, that willingly plays second fiddle to the star above. God I wish I could have another bite of it again!
Brunch at Huckleberry is fantastic. But what they started doing lately is Thursday night family dinners! I've been following their Instagram account for months now and every week they tempt me with their offerings. Keeping with their farmer fresh ethos, the menu for these dinners changes weekly. They update their website so you know what you're in for. I love stuff like this.
Yeah I know this is a Huckleberry post but I also have to recommend the iced green tea from Panera Bread just down the road. We called this drink, "The Magical Elixir of Life." Needless to say, you have to try it! Then head on down to Arizona Avenue for the farmer's market. (The best day is Wednesday, but they're there on the weekends too.) Then on to some 'light' shopping on Third Street Promenade. This is my ideal Saturday morning routine in Santa Monica. Well I can't call it a routine since I don't live there. Maybe one day...
1014 Wilshire Blvd
Santa Monica, CA 90401
T: 310.451.2311
Insta: Huckcafe
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