Friday, January 31, 2014

Weird Month...


Alright so I haven't been a very proficient blogger lately. I didn't even celebrate my blogiversary. I KNOW. So BAD. And it would've been perfect too since it's a food blog anyway! Lol.

I'm kidding.

But more importantly I haven't been feeding your hungry little curiosities about food. Good food. Because I'm redefining that phrase for myself. Don't worry. I'm not going vegan or in general new age hippie territory. Just, oh I don't know, taking a break from Carb City.

So here's the update...

My last juice fast ended in just 13 days. I had to travel so for that reason I had to stop.

But I decided to go on another fast for the full 30 days. I started on Jan 17. So for the next 14 days I'll bring you along for the ride. Kind of a continuation from the last fast. Just so you don't miss anything. And just in case you want to attempt such a crazy feat of super health detox. Because lets face it, at one point or another we've all neglected our bodies. And when you neglect your body, you neglect your mind, and your emotional wellbeing. Right?

So bear with me folks! I promise you that the yummy food search will continue on Feb 17. Let's just get through these next two weeks ok? :p

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Days 10, 11 and 12

Day 10

Healing crisis day. I put on a pair of jeans that was hanging in my closet for about 4 years. I don't know where I got the courage to do so but I did. And when they fit...the flood gates were opened. I cried and cried and cried. I was relieved that the healing crisis was over. I was warned that I'd cry at some point. I'm just glad that it happened. And by Day 10 you guys, I can safely say I fit into Gap jeans. Something I set out to do since Day 1. Incredible!

Day 11

More cleansing. More juice. Seemed to have plateaued. I panicked a little bit but then I read this post and I calmed down a bit. Maybe I'm over thinking.

Day 12

New Years Eve! Made it through a party unscathed! Hope this'll be a great year!